Sunday, March 8, 2009

Game Night

Last night I asked all of my co-workers to suit-up, bring their game faces, and come to win - It was game night! Yeah, they suited up for the most part, but I don't know that anyone brought their game faces or came to win, necessarily. That may have changed once they saw my awesome prizes, though. I told them there would be prizes, but I don't think they believed me until the first game had been won, and Jamie got to pick a prize.
Anyway, it was nice to have people come out. We have a good comradery at work, but we don't get many opportunities to get together outside of work. It always makes for good food, great conversation and a fun time. Unfortunately, two of my co-workers couldn't come (Missy and Teri, you guys were missed. We'll have to tell you about the funny moments at work.). We had such a good time talking, we only played 2 games in the 4 hours or so that everyone was here: Apples to Apples and Taboo. Oh, Lisa and Jamie, I will never doubt your game-playing abilities again. Well-played.
I thought the food was good (I made it, though), so I wanted to post the link to the recipes on Women's Health. I made: Cajun meatballs, blue cheese and walnut dip, and chicken tenders. . I also made some apples 'n port for a dessert. I will post that recipe in the Recipe of the Week.
I wish I had taken pictures last night, but I will have great memories. I am so fortunate to have such wonderful people I work with that I can call my friends. I know how hard that can be to find at the work place. So a big "thank you" to Heidi, Lisa, Jamie, Michele, Missy and Teri. So that happened...

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